Kotatogram 1.4.3 beta released!

Some minor features and fixes.

Published on: Aug 26, 2021 at 10:16 PM

This update is pretty small in features, but it contains some internal work with versioning and updates that allows fasters rebuilds. Also this time I haven’t forgot about translations, and Kotatogram even now has German translation.

Download 1.4.3 beta

based on Telegram Desktop 2.8.11


Supports Windows 7 and higher.


Supports Ubuntu 16.04 and higher.

Alternative options

Please note that update can be delayed.


Supports macOS 10.15 and higher.


  • Reworked sending without “via @bot” tag. Global setting was removed, and context menu item now sends inline query preview. Also added silent and scheduled sending for previews.
  • Optional hotkeys to restart application and to reload Kotatogram translation. restart_app for restart и reload_lang for translation reload can be set as before: tdata/shortcuts-custom.json.
  • Updated translations, including phrases from previous version.


  • Fixed blocking user in “Recent Actions”.
  • Fixed errors and crashes in AppImage related to gdk-pixbuf.